Couples Counselling Sunshine Coast
Couples Counselling Sunshine Coast is a very important step to learn how to communicate. Communication is the key to understanding each other. The ‘silent treatment’ never works.
By Coach Robert P Chambers
I have been couples counselor on the Sunshine Coast for 26 years now and I tell you.
This is a very serious situation and can be very destructive to any relationship, partnership or marriage. Giving the cold shoulder, as we say, only builds resentment on both sides.
The silent treatment is actually a form of ostracism. Basically, when someone is ostracised, it affects a part of the brain that detects pain. So, you are inflicting pain on that person by not talking and communicating, just like ‘Time Out’ with a child.
This is why ‘Time Out’ it is so effective. The child feels pain so they will start to change their behaviour to receive love and attention.
To give the cold shoulder is an attempt to control your partner. I’ve seen this so much in my sessions in Couples Counselling Sunshine Coast.
Some people are so good at doing it they don’t even know they are. It is rude, controlling and frustrating to your partner.
Control Is Unhealthy seek out Couples Counselling
Some people will do it for a day, or some may keep it up for days on end. This is unacceptable behaviour. Keeping this control up for a day or days is not healthy for the giver or the taker.
If you try to exert control of your partner in this way you need to take a good look at yourself. Look at your own self-esteem, communication skills and the amount of anger and resentment you hold inside you. Giving the silent treatment is a form of punishment if done deliberately. As a family and partner coach, counsellor for over 26 years, on the Sunshine Coast Queensland, I can tell you silent treatments do not work.
This control can lower your partners self-esteem, send them into anxiety attacks. This then leads into depression and can destroy any love points left in their love bank for you.
The worst is that you may drive your partner into the arms of another.
Couples Counselling Sunshine Coast
If you are on the receiving end of silent treatments and you try and communicate with these abusers, and they get angry. You may be faced with the decision of leaving the relationship for your health.
To handle the situation, I highly recommend you contact me first. Then get a copy of my eBooks “Secrets to a Romantic Love Affair in One Week”. Do this before you leave or let the relationship get any worse.
Each book is filled with great tips and ideas to put your relationship back on track. Take particular notice to Day 2; Communicate Daily, Day 3; Build your Love Bank and Day 4; Learn to Forgive.
I let you know as a couple’s counselor on the Sunshine Coast, nip silent treatments in the butt. Now, once and for all, get your relationship with the one you love back on track.
Contact Robert: Telephone: 1300 782 214
International: +61409380375